Unexpected Emergency Travel Checklist (Funeral, etc.)
These are Checklists that we have used for years.
We have made edits to match our life and our RV—so they may not perfectly match your situation. These lists have proven to be complete for us--but may not be complete for you.
These lists can be used in multiple different formats:
· Print the page
· Download the attached Checklist and reprint for yourself
· Take the information and transfer it to a variety of Apps that available. I have tried all of these. It is important to me that the list is easy to use. I need to be able to easily edit the list Categories and the individual list items. The list also needs to have the ability to Uncheck All of the items after we use, so it is ready for the next time I need it.
We have dealt with unexpected
death and family emergencies multiple times. We have gotten to our
location and realized we did not have an important article of
clothing or forgot to contact an important person about our travel plans
or the emergency details. Did you
remember to cancel the paper or the mail?
Do your neighbors know you are gone?
So, we created this Emergency
Travel Checklist. It has been a stress “life saver” more than once.