We had looked at 5th wheels for several months, but didn't expect to get one until we were down south. We had heard there was more inventory in Texas and Florida--so we expected the prices would be a little less. We narrowed our search to several brands: Excel, DRV Mobile Suites,Solitude or Crossroads Redwood. We had several really long days in Denver looking at RV's with our friends, Tom and Sandy Burke. They were great keeping us on track with our goals and helping us keep a level head.
Word to the wise... always take friends on your RV shopping journey. It can really help take the emotion out of it and keep you on track.

We walked in and instantly felt like we were home. Here is an RV we can travel in and feel comfortable... but more important: we will be WARM in the winter and cool in the summer.
Windish was really great to work with through the sales process. They gave us double for our Montana than we paid for it 6 years ago. We really feel like this one is going to meet all of our needs.

Our Montana was 37 ft. long and 360 square feet. The Redwood in 40 ft long and 410 square feet. There is a lot more storage and the storage under the 5th wheel is heated--so we avoid frozen pipes in the future!